Massage Therapy

What is Massage Therapy?

Massage therapists employ a variety of hands-on techniques to assess and treat the soft tissues and joints of the body. Improved circulation of blood and lymph, decreased pain and inflammation, improved mobility, relaxation and stress reduction are all positive effects of therapeutic massage. Whether your need is to have a moment of relaxation, reduce muscle tension or attain relief from chronic pain, a therapeutic massage can enhance your overall sense of emotional and physical well-being as well as your quality of life.

1What type of massage is offered at your clinic?
Our massage therapists are trained in Swedish Massage. Using this technique our RMTs can successfully treat sports injuries, postural strain, repetitive strain injuries as well as providing relaxation massage.
2Does it hurt?
Yes and no. There may be some discomfort because of an injury to the muscle, Inflamed and strained muscles may feel sore after or during a treatment. The overall effect though, is to help you feel more relaxed and pain free!
3Is massage therapy covered by OHIP?
No. However, if you have extended health care coverage, you may be reimbursed.
4Are your therapists registered?
Yes, all of our massage therapists are registered. They have a registration number which is included on the receipt that is submitted to your insurance company.
5Do I have to be in pain to have a massage?
No, massage therapy can be used for relaxation and stress relief.
6Do I have to get undressed?
Yes, but you do not take off all your clothes. You are covered by a sheet and blanket. You may keep areas that are not being worked on clothed.
7Do I need a Doctor's prescription?
Some insurance companies may require a note from your physician and/ or chiropractor explaining why massage has been recommended.
8If I am pregnant, can I still have a massage?
Yes, with some pregnancies, some women suffer from lower back pain, neck pain or sciatica. Massage can help relax the muscles that support the spine.
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